• 表演


    The ability to outperform over time is extraordinarily difficult; long term success requires skill, 通过支持可重复性的框架进行创新和规范.

    • 衡量我们的成功


      净费用绩效是衡量投资项目的重要指标, 在全球市场中,目标在哪里转化和实施, 测量.

      Successful programs that add incremental returns over time can accrue valuable wealth clients might not otherwise enjoy.

    • GIPS合规

      我们有一个现场直播, GIPS®-compliant track record that extends over 19 years for institutions that grant Angeles full decision-making authority over their investment assets.

      Through our long history working with institutional clients in a fully discretionary capacity, we have added value above policy benchmarks and net of all fees through multiple market cycles.

    • GIPS合规


      Angeles is proud to be an early adopter of GIPS® (Global Investment Performance Standards). 这个名称定义了性能度量原则, 全球公认的贷款信誉, integrity and uniformity to performance reporting by enabling direct comparability of a firm’s track record. Thus our results—unlike those of many of our competitors—are independently verified by a third party.

      We invite you to learn more about the importance of being GIPS® compliant in the attached Fiduciary 的见解:

      下载GIPS合规性PDF 一个框架 评估OCIO的表现


    Angeles GIPS® Composites (after fees) Since Inception (March 2002 - December 2023)
    滚动季度年化5年收益vs. 同期基准回报率

    我们成功的证据 我们成功的证据

    The above chart is derived from the Angeles GIPS® performance composites which contain important information titled "GIPS®综合披露这句话应该和这张图表结合起来看. These disclosures include the composition of the benchmark returns used each year. yabo亚博网站登录首页的收益是扣除所有费用后的净收益,包括yabo亚博网站登录首页管理费. 过去的表现不代表未来的结果. The supplemental reports and disclosures supporting this chart are available upon request.

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